Van Life Expo

27 May


Mont-Orford is very happy to host the Vanlife Expo at the foot of the mountain!

To all vanlifers, neophytes who have a project in mind and the curious, you are welcome to this event which promises to be festive, friendly, inspiring and instructive!

  1. LVE2023 b formatweb

May 27, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The Vanlife Expo is...

A gathering that is aimed at vanlifers of course, but also at neophytes who have a project in mind and even at the curious who may have never heard the word vanlife before!

You will be invited to visit the vans on display, choose a kit to transform your vehicle yourself or even rent it for your summer vacation!

Discussions, discoveries and lots of fun await you!

Find out more!

The Vanlife Expo is a daytime event to exchange with the community, meet people and discoveries, however it is not intended to be a camping gathering. The Vanlife Expo team are looking for places where vanlifers can spend the night in the region. Stay tuned, as they'll let you know their favorite spots shortly!

Consult the Vanlife Expo website


Mur d'escalade de bloc : Pour le plus grand plaisir des initiés et des curieux, des petits comme des grands, cette année tu pourras profiter de ta journée à La Vanlife Expo pour grimper !

Zone d'essais de slackline :
Slackline MTL sera avec nous toute la journée pour t'assister alors que tu découvriras la beauté et les défis de l'équilibre. Psst arrive tôt!

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