Winter Hiking Conditions

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Update the 2025-03-04 at 06:19:59

Come enjoy a night hike at Mont-Orford!

March 3, 2025

As the days get longer, take advantage of the late afternoon light to go for a hike.

Snow fall

    • 3 cm
    • 2 inches
    24 hours
    • 3 cm
    • 2 inches
    48 hours
    • 39 cm
    • 16 inches
    7 days
    • 499 cm
    • 197 inches


  • mountain-artbox


    2 / 2

  • mountain-artbox

    Mont Giroux Nord

    5 / 5

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    Mont Giroux Est

    2 / 2

  • mountain-artbox

    Mont Alfred-DesRochers

    3 / 3

The uphill skier's pledge

Before heading out on the trails, I pledge to honour these 10 Golden Rules!

  1. I will have my pass with me at all times on the trails.
  2. My last climb will begin no later than 9pm, and by 10pm, I will be leaving in my car.
  3. As a group, like scouts, in single file we will climb.
  4. At the edge of the ski run, throughout my ascent, I will stay.
  5. I will wear my headlamp after in the darkness, morning and evening.
  6. The maintenance crews I will always respect. When they arrive, I will stop and let them pass.
  7. The Mont-Orford website I will always check, for the latest information on closed trails for snowmaking, grooming and maintenance work.
  8. Expert or not, in no black run will I ever venture.
  9. Up is the only direction I will go on uphill trails - on skis, never with crampons or snowshoes.
  10. Though my best friend he may be, my dog will never come with me.

Règles de sécurité

Les sentiers de randonnée sont ouverts après les heures d'ouverture de la station et donc ne sont pas patrouillés. Secours sur signalement seulement, et prévoir un délai d’attente

En dehors des heures d'activité de la station – Avant et après l'ouverture (de 6 h à 8 h 30 et de 16 h à 21 h)

Aucun service de patrouille n'est offert. En cas de besoin, composez le 911.
Vous êtes responsable de votre propre sécurité.

ATTENTION: Sur la montagne, le réseau cellulaire peut s'avérer faible, voire inexistant.