About the Corporation Ski & Golf Mont-Orford

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Do you know the Corporation?

The Mont-Orford Ski & Golf Corporation is a non-profit organization that oversees and manages the activities, sports, and events taking place at Mont-Orford, both in summer and winter! Learn more about its role and functions below.

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Do you know the Corporation?

The Mont-Orford Ski & Golf Corporation is a non-profit organization that oversees and manages the activities, sports, and events taking place at Mont-Orford, both in summer and winter! Learn more about its role and functions below.

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History and Structure

The Corporation Ski & Golf Mont-Orford was created on May 31, 2011. It is governed by a 7 member board of directors which includes 3 elected municipal officials and 4 citizens. It is a non-profit organization that is 100% autonomous!

The Board of Directors is made up of the following members:

  • President, Jacques Demers
  • Vice-president, Pierre Patry
  • Administrator, Yann Philibert
  • Administrator, Pierre Levac
  • Administrator, Marie Boivin
  • Administrator, Lisette Maillé
  • Administrator, Nathalie Pelletier

The connection with Mont-Orford National Park

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What is the connection between Mont-Orford and Mont-Orford National Park?

The connection with Mont-Orford National Park

A big question that few people know the answer to!

Mont-Orford is a leased area, included in Mont-Orford National Park. What does "leased area" mean? It means that we manage a territory owned by the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife, and Parks through a lease that governs our actions. According to this lease, we are free to manage, administer, and oversee the activities and infrastructure located on our territory. This includes, among other things, alpine skiing, alpine and hiking trails, as well as events and activities taking place on the mountain.

Did you know?

Did you know that three other territories are found within the Mont-Orford National Parc? These include Orford Musique and the Jouvence resort, which are territories under lease, and finally Sépaq. Our four organizations are independent of one another, even if our territories touch.

No money share

Many believe that we share or receive money from Sépaq, in particular for and from hiking activities. This is not the case. We do not receive any funds from the Ministry or Sépaq for any activity whatsoever! Mont-Orford is completely financially autonomous.

PS! Did you know that in Quebec, a total of 8 territories under lease exist in the heart of national parks? They are:

  • Jouvence Resort
  • Boucherville Islands Golf
  • Mont Orford Golf Club
  • Mont Orford Ski Resort
  • Ski Saint Bruno
  • Orford Music
  • Mont-Mégantic Observatory
  • Mont-Tremblant Resort
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The financial health of the Corporation

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The financial health of the Corporation is very good!

The financial situation of the Corporation

For several years, we have been completely financially independent for our annual operations.

The Corporation generates revenue solely through the sale of its own products. This includes alpine skiing and hiking passes, lift tickets for special events, golf green fees and memberships, and more. Currently, we do not receive any other type of revenue.

It goes without saying that while the ski season generates the majority of our income and supports our daily operations, this revenue does not allow us to make investments in our infrastructure or develop long-term or four-season projects.

Financial help

We therefore apply for and receive on occasion grants from various government programs in order to develop large-scale projects that have major economic benefits for our region. Over the last few years we have received grants specifically for the extension of the main chalet and its event area, for the replacement of the Alfred-Desrochers chair lift and for improvements related to our snowmaking capabilities.

Regional economic benefits

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For the entire region!

70 million dollars of benefits

Mont-Orford is an important business in the region due to its economic impact. It might come as a surprise, but every year, the mountain generates 70 million dollars in economic benefits for the region!

Studies have shown that for every dollar invested by a user of Mont-Orford, it generates 7 dollars elsewhere in the region, whether in hotels, restaurants, cafes, or shops. Impressive, right? And the entire region benefits from it!

Learn more!

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    New chalet

    Consolidation of the following services: Snow School, rental and customer service in addition to offering more space for eating and preparing.

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    New lift

    New quadruple chairlift on the Alfred-Desrochers hillside!

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    3 shelters ans 3 paths

    3 new uphill skiing paths and 3 new shelters on top of each summit were added to the pactice of uphill skiing!

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    Beginner zone

    A new covered double magic carpet was installed in our beginner zone.