
ALEXEROOT Orford Touring2025 53 lr
ALEXEROOT Orford Touring2025 53 lr

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Update the 2025-02-22 at 06:18:06

A beautiful day to enjoy are trails !

February 22, 2025

With all the snow we received, come enjoy our uphill skiing trails. The views and conditions are amazing. 

Snow fall

    • 0 cm
    • 0 inches
    24 hours
    • 4 cm
    • 2 inches
    48 hours
    • 50 cm
    • 20 inches
    7 days
    • 444 cm
    • 175 inches


You must leave the ski station by 10:00 P.M.

Groomers operate every night from 10:00 P.M. and require the use of a winch, which poses a danger to skiers/snowboarders who come into contact with the steel cables. The cables are difficult to see and are used EVERYWHERE across the mountain and can be up to 1000 meters long.



Sentiers d'ascension

6.00 A.M. - 9.00 P.M.

  • mountain-artbox Mont-Orford

    1. Le Campagnol - 1.5 km

    2. La Milles-Pattes - 1.5 km

      • 11

    3. Le Lièvre - 1.3 km

  • mountain-artbox Mont Giroux Nord

    1. La Carcajou - 0.8 km

      • 10

    2. Tracé du lynx - 0.6 km

    3. Adams

    4. La tortue - 1.1 km

  • mountain-artbox Mont Giroux Est

    1. L'Urubu - 1.2 km

      • 9

    2. Le Renard - 2.4 km

  • mountain-artbox Mont Alfred-DesRochers

    1. L'Alouette - 2.4 km

    2. L'Hermine - 1.8 km

Pistes d'ascension et de descente

6.00 A.M. - 8.30 A.M.

4.00 P.M. - 9.00 P.M.

  • mountain-artbox Mont-Orford

    1. Grande Coulée

    2. 4 km

  • mountain-artbox Mont Giroux Nord

    1. Jean D'Avignon

    2. Pente Douce

      • 1

    3. Magog

      • 1

    4. Familiale

      • 1

    5. Adams

  • mountain-artbox Mont Giroux Est

    1. Slalom

    2. Passe Montagne

  • mountain-artbox Mont Alfred-DesRochers

    1. Toussiski

    2. Grande Allée

    3. Descente

Corridor d'ascension

6.00 A.M. - 8.30 A.M.

8.30 A.M. - 4.00 P.M.

4.00 P.M. - 9.00 P.M.

  • mountain-artbox Mont Giroux Nord

    1. Corridor : Familiale

  • mountain-artbox Mont Alfred-DesRochers

    1. Corridor : Grande-Allée et Ookpic

Safety rules and regulations

  • You must respect the Mont-Orford schedule and pre-determined ascent and descent zones at all times.
  • You must leave the ski station by 10:00 PM.
  • Always check and respect the opening status of the uphill skiing slopes and trails, before departing on a hike.
  • Pre-season or post-season climbs are forbidden due to the potential hazards of snowmaking, grooming and maintenance operations.
  • It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to descend on ascent trails as well as closed or non-designated trails at all times.
  • If you encounter a snow vehicle (snow plough, snowmobile) please wait by the edge of the trail for it to pass.
  • If you are on the trails outside operating hours, please only take the designated descent trail. Access to black slopes and snow parks is prohibited.
  • Always stay visible and climb in single file, never in rows of two or more.
  • In the darkness, both morning and evening, please always stay visible. You must be equipped with a white front light and a red rear light.
  • Please always use skis or uphill climbing boards with metal edges, brakes and restraint straps.
  • The use of crampons or snowshoes is FORBIDDEN at all times in the UPHILLS SKIING PATHS. They are only allowed in the winter hiking trails and inside the national park in certain designated areas.
  • No emergency services are available outside operating hours. Dial 911 in case of emergency. For more information on emergency services, visit the Emergency section.
  • Mont-Orford reserves the right to charge a minimum fee of $250 for all assistance requests made outside operating hours or outside marked and designated trails. A delay may be expected for any rescue following a report.
  • Do not leave behind any waste or trash on the trails and slopes. Be eco-responsible!
  • No animals permitted on the slopes or trails.
  • Respect the Mountain Code of Conduct at all times.

Mountain Code of Conduct

  • Daily ticket or season pass holders must respect the Mountain Code of Conduct. Code adopted under the Respecting Safety in Sports Act and applies to everyone practicing snow sports.
  • Stay in control of your speed and direction. Make sure you are able to stop on short notice to avoid obstacles or other people.
  • Only stop on a trail if you are visible from the top and if you are not obstructing the trail.
  • Yield the right of way to people uphill when you enter a trail and at intersections.
  • If you are involved in or have witnessed an accident, remain at the scene and identify yourself to the first-aid respondents.
  • Always have a proper device on-hand to avoid runaway equipment.
  • Keep off the trails or lifts if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Obey all signs and warnings and never venture off the trails or onto a closed trail.

In case of emergency

The ascent trails are NOT PATROLLED. Rescue upon signaling only and be prepared to expect a delay.


For all assistance services, please refer to a patroller, a guide ambassador or a lift operator. You can also head to one of the many patrol service points located on each summit as well as at the main station base.

It is also possible to reach the station’s patrol services by dialing 819 843-6548, ext. 8448.



DIAL 911.

You are responsible for your own safety.


Conseils en montagne

Code de conduite en montagne